Comparative Review of 3D Printed Walls and The Methods Used by Companies in the Industry
Open Access
Bello, Nicholas
Area of Honors:
Civil Engineering
Bachelor of Science
Document Type:
Thesis Supervisors:
Ali M Memari, Thesis Supervisor S. Ilgin Guler, Thesis Honors Advisor
3D Printing Concrete Structural Analysis Thermal Analysis
This thesis will cover the state of the three-dimensional concrete printing (3DCP) industry as it relates to certain properties of their wall systems they market. It will cover several of the major companies currently working in the industry. Additionally, it will cover the techniques and methods used by these companies in constructing walls. Once an overview of each company has been provided, the thesis will then provide calculations on the moment of inertia of several different wall shapes present within the industry. This will help predict the stress generation in each wall. Proceeding this, the study will cover a structural and thermal comparative analysis of several different wall shapes present within the industry. The main goal of this study will be to compare and contrast properties of an assumed wall size in the industry based on their shape alone.