They Will Not Replace Us: A Comparative Case Analysis of the Radicalization of Terrorists Inspired by the Great Replacement Conspiracy
Open Access
Cicchiello, Sean
Area of Honors:
Security and Risk Analysis
Bachelor of Science
Document Type:
Thesis Supervisors:
Nick Andrew Diehl, Thesis Supervisor Michael Keith Hills, Thesis Honors Advisor
Lone-Wolf Terrorism Right-Wing Extremism Extremism Radicalization Great Replacement Conspiracy Case Study Far-right Alt-right
Lone wolf, far-right terrorism is on the rise in the West. The Great Replacement, a white supremacist conspiracy, has inspired some of the deadliest far-right lone-wolf attacks. While research concerning the radicalization of terrorists that join organized groups is common, very little research has been performed on the radicalization of lone wolf terrorists. Through the use of a comparative case study, this thesis aims to fill this gap by offering a preliminary analysis of the trends present in the radicalization of lone-wolf terrorists inspired by the Great Replacement. This thesis also provides suggestions for future models of lone-wolf radicalization.