Investigation of the Astrodynamics and GNC Challenges for Space-Based Solar Power Satellite Spacecraft-to-Spacecraft Power Beaming
Open Access
Nelson, Quintin
Area of Honors:
Aerospace Engineering
Bachelor of Science
Document Type:
Thesis Supervisors:
Sven G Bilén, Thesis Supervisor Xin Ning, Thesis Honors Advisor
space based solar power astrodynamics orbital mechanics wireless power transfer GNC sustainable energy simulation systems engineering solar power
Space-based solar power has emerged as a promising solution for meeting the increasing demand for energy from sustainable sources. This research shows the potential of this technology by exploring a proposed system architecture of solar power stations in orbit around the Earth. These stations would collect and convert sunlight into energy and transmit it back to the Earth.
The focus of this study is on spacecraft-to-spacecraft power transfer and the necessary guidance, navigation, and control considerations and the astrodynamics challenges that need to be addressed for the successful deployment and maintenance of this technology in orbit. A model is developed to understand the viability of spacecraft-to-spacecraft power transfer through the simulation of different use cases.
While the potential benefits of this technology are significant, the implementation of such a system involves numerous technical hurdles. These challenges must be addressed and overcome to make space-based solar power a viable option for meeting our energy needs in the future.