Creative Empowerment Modular Mural Community Building Artmaking Artistic Expression
The inspiration for my thesis project stemmed from artist Claudia Bernardi, who works with communities affected by mass trauma and brings them together through creative empowerment. Using an artistic format, my thesis focuses on spreading empowerment and building community in the State College, Pennsylvania area. My thesis was presented to two Pennsylvania State University Art Education 211 (AED 211) classes using three canvases per class and the College of Education Undergraduate Student Council in conjunction with Dr. Karen Keifer-Boyd’s (2022) presentation on “Wo/Manhouse Stories" using six smaller canvases. Through the creation and facilitation of a modular mural with these community members and organizations, I sought to discover how creativity can empower individuals and encourage them to connect with the broader community that surrounds them. Using a multitude of digital platforms, I explore how technology can influence community building and encourage positive dialogue at a distance. Furthermore, I outline the value of a modular format for a community mural due to heightened participation in the artmaking process and the potential for multi-contextual purposes.