Potential impacts of art therapy techniques to improve speech production in individuals with dysarthria
Open Access
Lynch, Ciara
Area of Honors:
Communication Sciences and Disorders
Bachelor of Science
Document Type:
Thesis Supervisors:
Krista M Wilkinson, Thesis Supervisor Carol Anne Miller, Thesis Honors Advisor
communication sciences and disorders speech-language pathology dysarthria art therapy art therapy techniques speech production ICF speech therapy communication
Dysarthria is a type of motor speech disorder resulting from neurological damage. People with dysarthria often experience negative emotions and limited communicative participation. Current treatment techniques for dysarthria often solely focus on addressing speech-motor control challenges. However, people with dysarthria identify issues with this approach including speech therapy not addressing the entire range of communication issues and activities being not engaging which limits its adherence in daily lives. This paper offers art therapy techniques as an alternative to create engaging speech activities, treat whole communication challenges, and help manage negative emotions for individuals with dysarthria to improve speech production. The integration of art therapy techniques may better support speech-language pathologists to create and enforce treatment plans that focus on bettering the client’s mental, physical, and emotional state and follow the International Classification of Functioning. This paper will examine the potential impacts of art therapy techniques to improve speech production in individuals with dysarthria.