Bridging the Gap: The Gender Disparity in Corporate Leadership
Open Access
Agresti, Bella
Area of Honors:
Bachelor of Science
Document Type:
Thesis Supervisors:
Samuel Burton Bonsall, IV, Thesis Supervisor Brian Spangler Davis, Thesis Honors Advisor
Finance Corporate Leadership Gender Disparity Women
Despite increasing awareness and efforts to increase female representation, the gender disparity in corporate leadership remains a pressing issue today. This thesis delves into recent statistics and data surrounding the issue, shedding light on the current landscape of the financial industry in particular. Through a comprehensive analysis of current research and existing literature, multifaceted factors contributing to the disparity are uncovered. Furthermore, firsthand accounts from professionals in the field are incorporated throughout the different topics examined and integrated into actionable strategies proposed to improve the issue. The purpose of this thesis is to catalyze meaningful change in promoting more qualified women to leadership positions.