1. The Role of Interest Groups and Governmental Agencies in Influencing Corporate Social Responsibility Open Access Author: Demartino, Sarah Title: The Role of Interest Groups and Governmental Agencies in Influencing Corporate Social Responsibility Area of Honors: Political Science Keywords: Interest GroupsGovernmental AgenciesCorporate Social ResponsibilityCSRFair TradeCocoaChocolateChild Labor File: Download SarahDeMartinoThesisFinal.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Marie Hojnacki, Thesis SupervisorDr. Michael Barth Berkman, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Effect of Sucrose Particle Size, Sucrose Content, and Water Content on Melt Resistant Chocolate Made via a Sugar Network Open Access Author: Rosenberger, Claire Margaret Title: Effect of Sucrose Particle Size, Sucrose Content, and Water Content on Melt Resistant Chocolate Made via a Sugar Network Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: Melt Resistant ChocolateHeat Resistant ChocolateSugar NetworkSucroseChocolateWater in ChocolateSugar Skeleton File: Download THESIS_FINAL_edits.pdf Thesis Supervisors: John Neil Coupland, Thesis SupervisorDr. Enrique Daniel Gomez, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Identification of Volatile Contributors to Bitterness in Chocolate Open Access Author: Wiedemer, Aaron Title: Identification of Volatile Contributors to Bitterness in Chocolate Area of Honors: Food Science Keywords: ChocolateFlavor ChemistryOdor Induced EnhancementBitternessSulfurVolatile Organic CompoundsGC-MSGCxGC-MSGCxGC-SCD File: Download Wiedemer_20220404_Thesis_Final_Draft.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Helene Hopfer, Thesis SupervisorChris Sigler, Thesis Honors Advisor