1. Unraveling Environmental Contribution to Fallout Formation Open Access Author: Jacomb-hood, Timothy Wykeham Title: Unraveling Environmental Contribution to Fallout Formation Area of Honors: Nuclear Engineering Keywords: NuclearFalloutRadiochemistryGeochemistry File: Download Jacomb-Hood_Timothy_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Igor Jovanovic, Thesis SupervisorSeungjin Kim, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Thermal Modeling of a Salt Repository for Nuclear Waste Open Access Author: Borza, Gregory Michael Title: Thermal Modeling of a Salt Repository for Nuclear Waste Area of Honors: Nuclear Engineering Keywords: NuclearRepositoryNuclear WasteSpent Nuclear FuelSalt File: Download Borza_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Massimiliano Fratoni, Thesis SupervisorSeungjin Kim, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Verification of CTF and NEM Coupled Codes Open Access Author: Dickey, Connor James Title: Verification of CTF and NEM Coupled Codes Area of Honors: Nuclear Engineering Keywords: CTFNEMNuclearMOX Coreneutronicsthermal hydraulicsmodeling File: Download Dickey_Connor_verificationofctfandnemcoupledcodes.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Maria Nikolova Avramova, Thesis SupervisorSeungjin Kim, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. MULTI-SENSOR INSPECTION AND ROBOTING SYSTEMS FOR DRY STORAGE CASKS: THERMAL CONSTRAINTS Open Access Author: Scharsig, Jan-Christopher Christopher Title: MULTI-SENSOR INSPECTION AND ROBOTING SYSTEMS FOR DRY STORAGE CASKS: THERMAL CONSTRAINTS Area of Honors: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: NEUPNuclearRobotCaskNuclear CaskThermalCooling System File: Download Scharsig_JanChristopher_NEUP.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Sean N Brennan, Thesis SupervisorDr. Sean N Brennan, Thesis Honors AdvisorStephen P Lynch, Faculty Reader
5. Determination of the Effect of Pipe Diameter on Horizontal Two-Phase Flow via Frictional Pressure Loss and Drift-Flux Analyses Open Access Author: Gamber, Joseph Thomas Title: Determination of the Effect of Pipe Diameter on Horizontal Two-Phase Flow via Frictional Pressure Loss and Drift-Flux Analyses Area of Honors: Interdisciplinary in Mechanical Engineering and Nuclear Engineering Keywords: Nuclear EngineeringFluid DynamicsFluidsTwo-phaseTwo-phase flowNuclearHorizontal flow File: Download Gamber_Joseph_Honors_Thesis_Final_Manuscript.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Seungjin Kim, Thesis SupervisorDr. Sean N Brennan, Thesis Honors Advisor
6. An Investigation into Gas-Cooled Fast Spectrum Nuclear Reactor Modelling Software Open Access Author: Cristini, Dalton James Title: An Investigation into Gas-Cooled Fast Spectrum Nuclear Reactor Modelling Software Area of Honors: Interdisciplinary in Mechanical Engineering and Nuclear Engineering Keywords: NuclearReactorModellingSerpentFast SpectrumGas-CooledGFRNEAMS Workbench File: Download SHC_Thesis_-_dalton_cristini.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Nicholas Robert Brown, Thesis SupervisorDr. Sean N Brennan, Thesis Honors AdvisorMarek Flaska, Thesis Honors Advisor