1. Analysis of the Double Parton Distribution Functions in Quantum Chromodynamics Open Access Author: Snyder, Zachary Steven Title: Analysis of the Double Parton Distribution Functions in Quantum Chromodynamics Area of Honors: Physics Keywords: QCDPartonDPDFquantum field theoryquantum chromodynamics File: Download SnyderZachary_Analysis_of_DPDF_in_QCD_2015.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Anna M. Stasto, Thesis SupervisorProf. Richard Wallace Robinett, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Analysis of Unintegrated Parton Distributions in Quantum Chromodynamics Open Access Author: Elias, Edgar Title: Analysis of Unintegrated Parton Distributions in Quantum Chromodynamics Area of Honors: Physics Keywords: QCDQuantum Chromodynamicsparton distribution functionquantum field theorypartonunintegrated parton File: Download EliasEdgar_Analysis_of_Unintegrated_PDFs_in_QCD.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Anna M. Stasto, Thesis SupervisorProf. Richard Wallace Robinett, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Diffractive Dissociation Production of Heavy Vector Mesons in Ultra Peripheral Collisions from LHC to FCC Open Access Author: Saylor, Michael Title: Diffractive Dissociation Production of Heavy Vector Mesons in Ultra Peripheral Collisions from LHC to FCC Area of Honors: Physics Keywords: QCDquantum chromodynamicsquantum field theoryparton distribution functionsvector meson photoproductionproton-lead ultra peripheral collision File: Download Michael_Saylor_Spring_2023_Schreyer_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Anna Stasto, Thesis SupervisorRichard Wallace Robinett, Thesis Honors Advisor