1. The use of warm-season grasses as vegetative buffers to capture particulate matter from manure pit exhaust fans associated with a swine finishing facility Open Access Author: Grube, Amanda Title: The use of warm-season grasses as vegetative buffers to capture particulate matter from manure pit exhaust fans associated with a swine finishing facility Area of Honors: Plant Sciences Keywords: grassparticulate matterswinemanureair qualityvegetative bufferplant scienceagriculture File: Download The_Use_of_Warm-Season_Grasses_as_Vegetative_Buffers_to_Capture_Particulate_Matter_from_Manure_Pit_Exhaust_Fans_Associated_with_a_Swine_Finishing_Facility.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dennis R Decoteau, Thesis SupervisorDennis R Decoteau, Thesis Honors AdvisorTarrah Geszvain, Faculty Reader
2. Developing a Portable Station to Assess Climate Change and Air Quality in the Central Peruvian Andes Open Access Author: De Marchis, Antonio Title: Developing a Portable Station to Assess Climate Change and Air Quality in the Central Peruvian Andes Area of Honors: Electrical Engineering Keywords: sensorsPeruAndesclimate changeair qualityweatherelectrical engineeringclimatologyagricultureArduinomicrocontrollerbatterytemperaturehumidityrelative humidityparticulate matterPMSouth Americadeveloping nationscarbon dioxidewater vaporsolar powersolar energyinstrumentationportableweather stationrural File: Download DeMarchis_Antonio_Developing-a-Portable-Station-to-Assess-Climate-Change-and-Air-Quality-in-the-Central-Peruvian-Andes.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Julio Urbina, Thesis SupervisorJulio Urbina, Thesis Honors AdvisorTim Kane, Faculty Reader