1. High Frequency Antenna Coupling Study Open Access Author: Sherman, Bradley Title: High Frequency Antenna Coupling Study Area of Honors: Electrical Engineering Keywords: antennacouplinghigh-frequencyhigh frequencysounder File: Download Bradley_Sherman_Spring_2014.pdf Thesis Supervisors: James Kenneth Breakall, Thesis SupervisorJohn Douglas Mitchell, Thesis Honors AdvisorKeith A Lysiak, Faculty Reader
2. ON-BODY CIRCULAR POLARIZED ANTENNAS Open Access Author: Sun, Yao Ching Title: ON-BODY CIRCULAR POLARIZED ANTENNAS Area of Honors: Electrical Engineering Keywords: antennaon-bodyAMCcircular polarization File: Download thesis_template.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Douglas Henry Werner, Thesis SupervisorDr. Julio V. Urbina, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Novel fabrication process for lightweight, ultra-thin, flexible NFC antenna Open Access Author: Sheeran, Brett Title: Novel fabrication process for lightweight, ultra-thin, flexible NFC antenna Area of Honors: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: Microfabricationdeployable structureantennaNFCPhotolithography File: Download Sheeran_Thesis_Revised.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Xin Ning, Thesis SupervisorPhilip John Morris, Thesis Honors Advisor