1. Are Companies Inflating Earnings & Equity by Granting Employee Stock Options? Open Access Author: Frazier, Charles William Title: Are Companies Inflating Earnings & Equity by Granting Employee Stock Options? Area of Honors: Finance Keywords: Employee stock optionsemployeestockoptionESOearningsequityaccountingIPOinitial public offeringcontingent liability File: Download Charles_Frazier_AreCompaniesInflatingEarnings.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jingzhi Huang, Thesis SupervisorJingzhi Huang, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. An Analysis of the Hedge Fund Industry Open Access Author: Ahmed, Tariq Title: An Analysis of the Hedge Fund Industry Area of Honors: Finance Keywords: hedge fundinvestingfinanceequitymarket returns File: Download Final_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: James Alan Miles, Thesis SupervisorJames Alan Miles, Thesis Honors AdvisorDr. Joseph Randall Woolridge, Faculty Reader
3. Does Equity Crowdfunding Have Potential in the U.s.? Open Access Author: Brandolini, James Brian Title: Does Equity Crowdfunding Have Potential in the U.s.? Area of Honors: Finance Keywords: crowdfundingequity crowdfundingjobs actequityonline fundraising File: Download EquityCrowdfunding.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Professor Christoph Hinkelmann, Thesis SupervisorJames Alan Miles, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. WHAT WE CAN LEARN FROM THE SCHOOLS OF OPPORTUNITY: HOW 19 SCHOOLS CLOSE OPPORTUNITY GAPS Open Access Author: Gorgas, Jessica N Title: WHAT WE CAN LEARN FROM THE SCHOOLS OF OPPORTUNITY: HOW 19 SCHOOLS CLOSE OPPORTUNITY GAPS Area of Honors: Education and Public Policy Keywords: opportunity gapsequityInstitutional change theorySocial systems theoryachievement gaps File: Download Gorgas_Jessica_SchoolsofOpportunity.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dana Lynn Mitra, Thesis SupervisorDana Lynn Mitra, Thesis Honors AdvisorMindy L Kornhaber, Faculty Reader
5. Advancing the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion of the Musicological Canon Open Access Author: Rosario, Gray Title: Advancing the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion of the Musicological Canon Area of Honors: Music Keywords: Classical canonclassical musicdiversityequityinclusionmusic historymusic theory File: Download BMA_Thesis_Final_2.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Mark C Ferraguto, Thesis SupervisorCharles Dowell Youmans, Thesis Honors Advisor
6. The Future of Climate Change is in the Hands of Climate Action Plans: An Examination of the Purpose, Progress, and Structure of Climate Action Plans. Open Access Author: Di Prinzio, Olivia Title: The Future of Climate Change is in the Hands of Climate Action Plans: An Examination of the Purpose, Progress, and Structure of Climate Action Plans. Area of Honors: Earth Science and Policy Keywords: climate changeclimate action planningcommunity engagement2015 Paris Agreementequity File: Download Schreyer_Thesis_DiPrinzio_Fall_2024_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Maureen Feineman, Thesis SupervisorTimothy Bralower, Thesis Honors Advisor