1. Development of an Artificial Neural Network for Predicting Fishbone Wellbore Performance in Tight Gas Sands Open Access Author: Schumacker, Eric David Title: Development of an Artificial Neural Network for Predicting Fishbone Wellbore Performance in Tight Gas Sands Area of Honors: Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering Keywords: natural gasproductionmultilateralwellboreneural networkunconventional reservoir File: Download SCHUMACKER_ERIC_FishboneWellborePerformanceANN.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Turgay Ertekin, Thesis SupervisorTurgay Ertekin, Thesis Honors AdvisorYilin Wang, Faculty Reader
2. DYNAMICS OF MINIMAL PERMITTED MOTIFS IN COMBINATORIAL THRESHOLD-LINEAR NETWORKS Open Access Author: Falk, David Benjamin Title: DYNAMICS OF MINIMAL PERMITTED MOTIFS IN COMBINATORIAL THRESHOLD-LINEAR NETWORKS Area of Honors: Mathematics Keywords: CTLNneural networkthreshold linearmathematical modelingmathematical neurosciencemathematical biologyminimal permitted motifnonlinear dynamicsdifferential equationsgraph theorycombinatoricsdiscrete mathematicssymmetryneuronsclique unioncyclic union File: Download David_Falk_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Carina Pamela Curto, Thesis SupervisorMark Levi, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Nonlinear Neuron Discriminant Functions for Alternate Deep Learning Training Algorithms Open Access Author: Petrone, Steven Title: Nonlinear Neuron Discriminant Functions for Alternate Deep Learning Training Algorithms Area of Honors: Computer Engineering Keywords: deep learningneural networkposynomialgeometric programmingc++signomial File: Download StevenPetroneThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Christopher H Griffin, Thesis SupervisorVijaykrishnan Narayanan, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. Utilizing Deep Learning and Computer Vision to Detect Defects in a 3D Printed Product in a Manufacturing Environment Open Access Author: Farkas, Alyson Title: Utilizing Deep Learning and Computer Vision to Detect Defects in a 3D Printed Product in a Manufacturing Environment Area of Honors: Letters, Arts, and Sciences (Abington) Keywords: transfer learningdeep learning3D printingrobot armmanufacturing defectsblemish detectionMATLABneural networkquality assuranceroboticsengineeringcomputer visionartificial intelligence File: Download Farkas_Alyson_Thesis_.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Robert Louis Avanzato, Thesis SupervisorDave Ruth, Thesis Honors Advisor