1. The Fruits of Their Labor: Examining the Effectiveness of the Village Open Access Author: Owen, Alicia Moneé Title: The Fruits of Their Labor: Examining the Effectiveness of the Village Area of Honors: Sociology Keywords: sociologyprotestpenn state File: Download OwenFinalThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Marylee Carmel Taylor, Thesis SupervisorMarylee Carmel Taylor, Thesis SupervisorDr. Jeffery Todd Ulmer, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Exploring Ancient Egyptian Faience With Nanotechnology: Compositional Mappings, Microstructure Analysis, And Modern Applications Open Access Author: Okkelberg, Elyssa Iris Title: Exploring Ancient Egyptian Faience With Nanotechnology: Compositional Mappings, Microstructure Analysis, And Modern Applications Area of Honors: Materials Science and Engineering Keywords: archeological sciencearchaeometryhistorical objectsglassSEMcopperEDScompositional mappingfritceramicsnanotechnologyEgyptMaterials Science Engineeringart historyfaienceEgyptian faiencepenn stateelyssa okkelberg File: Download Okkelberg_Elyssa_final_thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Paul Raymond Howell, Thesis SupervisorPaul Raymond Howell, Thesis SupervisorDr. Elizabeth J Walters, Thesis Honors AdvisorDigby D Macdonald, Faculty ReaderPaul Raymond Howell, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Self-Rated Diurnal Rhythms of Stressfulness and Anxiousness in University Students Open Access Author: Shaffer, Victoria Nicole Title: Self-Rated Diurnal Rhythms of Stressfulness and Anxiousness in University Students Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: stressanxietystressfulnessanxiousnessrhythmsrhythmicitydiurnalpenn stateself reportself ratingstudentswell-being File: Download Final_Honors_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Frederick Martin Brown, Thesis SupervisorKenneth N. Levy, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. Nature and University Park: Creating a Forest Network within The Pennsylvania State University's Flagship Campus Open Access Author: Gomez, Hannah Title: Nature and University Park: Creating a Forest Network within The Pennsylvania State University's Flagship Campus Area of Honors: Landscape Architecture Keywords: campusnetworklandscape architecturedesignpathcorridormatrixafforestationhistorypenn stateThe Pennsylvania State UniversityecologybiophiliaforestwoodsHort WoodsHartley WoodsFisher Plaza File: Download Gomez_Hannah_FInal_Thesis_FinalEdits.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Larry James Gorenflo, Thesis SupervisorPaul Daniel Marriott, Thesis Honors Advisor
5. Assessing the Mental Health of International Students at Penn State Open Access Author: Ward, Alexandra Title: Assessing the Mental Health of International Students at Penn State Area of Honors: Global and International Studies Keywords: mental healthinternational studentspenn state File: Download alexandra_ward_revisedthesis_2.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Yuliya Ladygina, Thesis SupervisorKrista Brune, Thesis Honors Advisor
6. The Carbon Footprint of Penn State Dining's Buffet Menus Open Access Author: Szkutnik, Octavia Title: The Carbon Footprint of Penn State Dining's Buffet Menus Area of Honors: Earth Science and Policy Keywords: carbon impactcarbon footprintsustainabilitysustainable diningclimate changegreenhouse gas emissionspenn state File: Download psucarbonfootprintthesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Douglas R Goodstein, Thesis SupervisorTimothy Bralower, Thesis Honors Advisor