1. Blade Element Momentum Theory Applied to Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines Open Access Author: Purcell, Thomas Russell Title: Blade Element Momentum Theory Applied to Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines Area of Honors: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: greenenergyrenewablegreen energywind energyblade element momentum theorywind turbinewindturbinePSUWTAWT_PerfBEMT File: Download Tom_Purcell_Undergraduate_Honors_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dennis K Mclaughlin, Thesis SupervisorDennis K Mclaughlin, Thesis SupervisorSusan W Stewart, Faculty ReaderDr. George A Lesieutre, Faculty ReaderDennis K Mclaughlin, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Optimization Of ph For Acidogenic Digestion Of Willow To Mixed Organic Acids Open Access Author: Shafer, Michael Dovin Title: Optimization Of ph For Acidogenic Digestion Of Willow To Mixed Organic Acids Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: biofuelacidacidogenicrenewablesustainableanaerobicwillowlignocellulosic File: Download SHAFER_MICHAEL-_Honors_Thesis_Summer_2014.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Thomas Lehman Richard, Thesis SupervisorDr. Wayne Roger Curtis, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Cross Laminated Timber: A Sustainable Option in the World of Construction Open Access Author: Searles, Laura Kathryn Winifred Title: Cross Laminated Timber: A Sustainable Option in the World of Construction Area of Honors: Civil Engineering Keywords: woodsustainableAmerican Wood Councilenvironmental impacts of woodcross laminated timbercltnltglulamglued laminated timberwood vs concretewood vs steelLaura SearlesStadthausCrossroadsEarth Sciences Buildingforterenewablewood in constructionhigh-risehigh-rise timberseismic performance of CLTfire codesseismic loadseconomics of cltmass timbertimberengineered timbercarbon sequestrationFEMA P695ASCE File: Download Searles_FinalThesis_Schreyer_b.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Ali M Memari, Thesis SupervisorEric Todd Donnell, Thesis Honors Advisor