1. The Consequences of Teenage Pregnancy with Regards to Socioeconomic Status and Pregnancy Perceptions Open Access Author: Klingler, Nicole Marie Title: The Consequences of Teenage Pregnancy with Regards to Socioeconomic Status and Pregnancy Perceptions Area of Honors: Sociology Keywords: pregnancysocioeconomic statusteenage childbearing File: Download Thesis_FINAL_DRAFT.pdf Thesis Supervisors: D. Wayne Osgood, Thesis SupervisorDr. Jeffery Todd Ulmer, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Implications of Socioeconomic Status on Parental Internal State Language Use with Children Open Access Author: Brett, Catherine Alyssa Title: Implications of Socioeconomic Status on Parental Internal State Language Use with Children Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: internal state languagesocioeconomic statusSESsocial-emotional development File: Download Brett_Catherine_Implications_of_Socioeconomic_Status_on_Parental_Internal_State_Language_Use_with_Children.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Alysia Yvonne Blandon, Thesis SupervisorCynthia L Huang Pollock, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Examining the Relationship Between Early Life SES and Adult Cognition: The Importance of Maternal Warmth and Inflammation Open Access Author: Dialectos, Jocelyn Mary Title: Examining the Relationship Between Early Life SES and Adult Cognition: The Importance of Maternal Warmth and Inflammation Area of Honors: Biobehavioral Health Keywords: socioeconomic statusSESinflammationmaternal warmthcognitionexecutive functioncytokine File: Download Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Kyle Wayne Murdock, Thesis SupervisorHelen Marie Kamens, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. Gender and Terrorism: A study on women in the workforce and its impact on women in violent political organizations Open Access Author: Ortiz-Landazabal, Noelia Title: Gender and Terrorism: A study on women in the workforce and its impact on women in violent political organizations Area of Honors: Interdisciplinary in African Studies and Political Science Keywords: Terrorismwomenfemaleafricareligionsocioeconomic status File: Download NoeliaOrtizLandazabalThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: James A Piazza, Thesis SupervisorMichael Barth Berkman, Thesis Honors AdvisorKevin J Thomas, Thesis Honors Advisor
5. A Comparative of Maternal Mortality in the United States, Argentina and Spain Open Access Author: Haiman, Sophie Title: A Comparative of Maternal Mortality in the United States, Argentina and Spain Area of Honors: Global and International Studies Keywords: maternal mortalitysocioeconomic statusrace/ethnicityurbanizationmaternal health File: Download A_Comparative_Study_of_Maternal_Mortality_in_the_United_States__Argentina__and_Spain.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Erin Allyson Heidt-Forsythe, Thesis SupervisorJonathan Eran Abel, Thesis Honors Advisor
6. Parent Involvement, School Readiness, and Socioeconomic Status Open Access Author: Bond, Margaret Title: Parent Involvement, School Readiness, and Socioeconomic Status Area of Honors: Sociology Keywords: parent involvementschool readinesssocioeconomic statuseducationinequalityfamily engagement File: Download Parental_Involvement__School_Readiness__and_Socioeconomic_Status.pdf Thesis Supervisors: David P Baker, Thesis SupervisorStacy Silver, Thesis Honors Advisor
7. Understanding Racial Disparities in Female Body Weight Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Cramer, Helen Title: Understanding Racial Disparities in Female Body Weight Area of Honors: Sociology Keywords: racial/disparitiesobesitybody weightsocioeconomic statusracial disparitiesobesitybody weightsocioeconomic status File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: Michelle Lynn Frisco, Thesis SupervisorStacy Silver, Thesis Honors Advisor