1. Government Office Center - An Analysis of the Importance of an Engaged Owner Open Access Author: Ward, Alexander Wells Title: Government Office Center - An Analysis of the Importance of an Engaged Owner Area of Honors: Architectural Engineering Keywords: construction managementengaged ownerIPDSIPSBIPVBIMprogressive collapse File: Download Ward_Alexander_GovernmentOfficeCenter.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Robert Michael Leicht, Thesis SupervisorRichard George Mistrick, Thesis Honors AdvisorM Kevin Parfitt, Thesis Supervisor
2. Analysis of Commercial Construction Methods for a Multi-family Residential Building with Personality Characteristics of Construction Teams Open Access Author: Sommer, Rachel Mary Title: Analysis of Commercial Construction Methods for a Multi-family Residential Building with Personality Characteristics of Construction Teams Area of Honors: Architectural Engineering Keywords: Construction ManagementArchitectural EngineeringProject DeliveryPersonalityIPD File: Download Sommer_Rachel_PlazaBuilding.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Robert Michael Leicht, Thesis SupervisorRichard George Mistrick, Thesis Honors Advisor