1. Exploring the Rules of Symmetry in the Human Body through the Analysis of Asymmetric Craniosynostosis Disorders Open Access Author: Stella, Jennifer Marie Title: Exploring the Rules of Symmetry in the Human Body through the Analysis of Asymmetric Craniosynostosis Disorders Area of Honors: Anthropology Keywords: symmetryasymmetryskullcraniosynostosismorphometrics File: Download Stella_Jennifer_rulesofsymmetry.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Joan Therese Richtsmeier, Thesis SupervisorTimothy Michael Ryan, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. The Salience Of Lower-order Features In Highly Self-similar Wallpaper Groups Open Access Author: Vedak, Shivam Title: The Salience Of Lower-order Features In Highly Self-similar Wallpaper Groups Area of Honors: Interdisciplinary in Biology and Psychology Keywords: symmetryperceptionvisionwallpaper groupisometryregularitypatterngeometrygroup theory File: Download Vedak_Shivam_wallpapergroupslowerorderfeatures.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Rick Owen Gilmore, Thesis SupervisorDr. Gong Chen, Thesis Honors AdvisorRick R Jacobs, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Correcting Errors in Texture-mapped Meshes Using Lattice Detection Open Access Author: Dyszel, Nicholas Andrew Title: Correcting Errors in Texture-mapped Meshes Using Lattice Detection Area of Honors: Computer Science Keywords: computer visionsymmetryurban scenescomputer graphics File: Download dyszel_nicholas_correctingerrorsintexturemappedmeshesusinglatticedetection.pdfDownload facade2_1view.mp4Download facade2_2view.mp4Download facade5_1view.mp4Download facade5_2view.mp4Download facade3_1view.mp4Download facade3_2view.mp4 Thesis Supervisors: Yanxi Liu, Thesis SupervisorDr. John Joseph Hannan, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. Regularity-driven Aerial and Street-view Facade Matching Open Access Author: Wolff, Mark Richard Title: Regularity-driven Aerial and Street-view Facade Matching Area of Honors: Electrical Engineering Keywords: visionregularityfacadematchingshapepatternsymmetrylattice File: Download master.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Yanxi Liu, Thesis SupervisorJeffrey Scott Mayer, Thesis Honors Advisor
5. The Role of Holistic Processing in Perceived Attractiveness Open Access Author: Frank, Andrea Kristine Title: The Role of Holistic Processing in Perceived Attractiveness Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: holistic processingin-groupout-groupsymmetryattractiveness File: Download Thesis_D1.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Reginald B. Adams, Jr., Thesis SupervisorDr. Richard Alan Carlson, Thesis Honors Advisor
6. DYNAMICS OF MINIMAL PERMITTED MOTIFS IN COMBINATORIAL THRESHOLD-LINEAR NETWORKS Open Access Author: Falk, David Benjamin Title: DYNAMICS OF MINIMAL PERMITTED MOTIFS IN COMBINATORIAL THRESHOLD-LINEAR NETWORKS Area of Honors: Mathematics Keywords: CTLNneural networkthreshold linearmathematical modelingmathematical neurosciencemathematical biologyminimal permitted motifnonlinear dynamicsdifferential equationsgraph theorycombinatoricsdiscrete mathematicssymmetryneuronsclique unioncyclic union File: Download David_Falk_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Carina Pamela Curto, Thesis SupervisorMark Levi, Thesis Honors Advisor
7. Intuitive Mapping of Wallpaper Symmetry Groups to Music Synthesis Open Access Author: Luo, Andy Title: Intuitive Mapping of Wallpaper Symmetry Groups to Music Synthesis Area of Honors: Electrical Engineering Keywords: wallpapersymmetrygroupmusic synthesispatternperception File: Download Luo_Andy_WallpaperGroup.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Yanxi Liu, Thesis SupervisorDr. Julio V. Urbina, Thesis Honors Advisor