1. Pterostilbene inhibits the growth of human non-small cell lung cancer cells by inducing cell cycle arrest Open Access Author: Vuong, Ashley C Title: Pterostilbene inhibits the growth of human non-small cell lung cancer cells by inducing cell cycle arrest Area of Honors: Food Science Keywords: pterostilbenefood sciencecell cycle arrestlung cancercancerblueberriesresveratrol File: Download Ashley_Vuong_-_Honors_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Joshua D Lambert, Thesis SupervisorDr. Pamela A. Hankey-Giblin, Thesis Honors AdvisorJohn Neil Coupland, Faculty Reader
2. Detection of Mold Growth on Theobroma cacao Utilizing Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry Open Access Author: Anderson, Caitlin Morgan Title: Detection of Mold Growth on Theobroma cacao Utilizing Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry Area of Honors: Food Science Keywords: food sciencecocoamold File: Download Caitlin_Anderson_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Gregory Ray Ziegler, Thesis SupervisorJohn Neil Coupland, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Using Non-hypothetical Experimental Auctions to Measure Consumer Valuation of Genetically Modified Food Products Open Access Author: Hofstaedter, Amanda Nicole Title: Using Non-hypothetical Experimental Auctions to Measure Consumer Valuation of Genetically Modified Food Products Area of Honors: Food Science Keywords: experimental auctiongenetic modificationGMOsfoodfood sciencewillingness-to-payWTPinformation shocktortilla chips File: Download Hofstaedter_Final_Thesis_Draft_4_7_2014.pdf Thesis Supervisors: John E Hayes, Thesis SupervisorJohn Neil Coupland, Thesis Honors AdvisorStephanie Doores, Faculty Reader
4. Perceptual Sorting of Bitter Stimuli Open Access Author: Isaacs, Rachel Elizabeth Title: Perceptual Sorting of Bitter Stimuli Area of Honors: Food Science Keywords: bittersortingbitterantsfood sciencemultidimensional scalingperceptual mappingtastersnontastersbitter variation File: Download Isaacs_Rachel_PerceptualSortingofBitterStimuli.pdf Thesis Supervisors: John E Hayes, Thesis SupervisorGregory Ray Ziegler, Thesis Honors AdvisorJohn E Hayes, Faculty Reader
5. Evaluating MiR-168a Levels In Potatoes and Mammalian Sera Open Access Author: Suri, Menaka Sunthoshi Title: Evaluating MiR-168a Levels In Potatoes and Mammalian Sera Area of Honors: Immunology and Infectious Disease Keywords: microRNAsfood sciencefood processingbioactive compoundswhite atlantic potatoespurple majesty potatoesfarm to fork File: Download Thesis_for_Menaka_Suri__Fall_2016__Final_.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jairam Vanamala, Thesis SupervisorDr. Pamela A. Hankey-Giblin, Thesis Honors Advisor
6. INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES IN AFFECTIVE RESPONSES TO SOURNESS Open Access Author: Parlow, Bryna Helaine Title: INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES IN AFFECTIVE RESPONSES TO SOURNESS Area of Honors: Food Science Keywords: sournesssensoryfood scienceperception File: Download Bryna_H._Parlow_Thesis_Updated_4_9_17.pdf Thesis Supervisors: John E Hayes, Thesis SupervisorJohn E Hayes, Thesis Honors AdvisorHelene Hopfer, Faculty Reader
7. Antimicrobial efficacy of lecithin and eugenol on Listeria monocytogenes Open Access Author: Keller, Natalie Renee Title: Antimicrobial efficacy of lecithin and eugenol on Listeria monocytogenes Area of Honors: Food Science Keywords: Listeria monocytogeneseugenolessential oilslecithinantimicrobialsfood science File: Download Keller_Natalie_Honors_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Edward G Dudley, Thesis SupervisorGregory Ray Ziegler, Thesis Honors Advisor
8. UTILIZING PROTEIN-POLYPHENOL INTERACTIONS TO DEVELOP A GLUTEN-FREE BEER Open Access Author: Aster Broder, Jay Title: UTILIZING PROTEIN-POLYPHENOL INTERACTIONS TO DEVELOP A GLUTEN-FREE BEER Area of Honors: Food Science Keywords: food sciencebeerproteinphenolpolyphenolsceliac diseaseglutentannic acid File: Download thesis.JAB_FA17.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Ryan John Elias, Thesis SupervisorJohn E Hayes, Thesis Honors Advisor
9. Acute Vanillyl Butyl Ether Desensitization on the Human Tongue Open Access Author: Keim, Lisa M Title: Acute Vanillyl Butyl Ether Desensitization on the Human Tongue Area of Honors: Food Science Keywords: sensorychemesthesisvanillyl butyl etherdesensitizationfood science File: Download Lisa_Keim_Final_Honors_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: John E Hayes, Thesis SupervisorFederico Miguel Harte, Thesis Honors Advisor